Thursday, August 2, 2012

A Day in the Life: Part 2

October market is only about 10 weeks away. We are continuing to get everything ready for another spectacular market! Our first step in preparing for market was attending Showtime and selecting fabrics we'd like to see samples of.

Once we receive all of our samples, we go through them! We bring in hundreds of fabrics.

We start out with our first cull. We look at each individual fabric and decide whether or not we could see each pattern in our line. We take many things into consideration like price, colors, design, construction, and content. We separate the samples into two simple stacks: Yes and No. 

The left is our No pile, and the right is our Yes pile. 
Once we complete our first cull, we do it all over again. This helps us get more familiar with the fabrics. This time, we are more choosy. We start to consider pattern repeats, how we will apply the fabric, if it needs backing, and which frames we could see it on. We also consider which collection it would fit in best, and what look we are going for. 

They are all just begging to be picked!
These poor little guy didn't make the cut this time.
Once we finish our second cull, we separate the fabrics into plains and prints, and categorize them by price. We put each grouping in their own bin to keep them organized. 

Our next step will be choosing fabric combinations to show at market! Stay tuned to see that process, it's where the fun really starts! 

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