Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Green Isn't Just A Color

With the growing importance of sustainable practices to preserve the Earth, the word green means so much more than just a color. Green has taken on a completely new persona, meaning "concerned with or supporting environmentalism," and "trending to preserve environmental quality," according to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary. At Precedent, we are green, and not in the sick to our stomachs sense of the word! We follow a number of sustainable practices to help do our part in preserving the environment.

All Precedent frames are made from wood grown in the US and certified by the Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SFI). SFI is an independent, third party organization that certifies wood has been grown and harvested in a responsible manner. They ensure growers take steps to keep our streams clean, prevent soil erosion, encourage reforestation, and protect wildlife.

Our frames are constructed with engineered hardwood, using adhesives that emit very low levels of formaldehyde. Some upholstered furniture frames are manufactured using adhesives containing urea formaldehyde; however, Precedent uses an adhesive with low levels of phenol formaldehyde, which emits far lower levels of formaldehyde. In fact, formaldehyde levels for our frames is less than 0.1 parts per million, well below the maximum set by the California Air Resources Board, CARB.
All of our cushions are made from foam that utilizes technology from Cargill's BiOH polyols. Polyol, a petroleum deviate, is the primary component used in the manufacturing of foam. Cargill's BiOH substitutes soybean oil for 20% of the petroleum required to make polyol, decreasing our dependence on foreign oil while leaving a smaller environmental footprint. For every pound of Cargill's BiOH that is consumed, half a pound of crude oil is saved.
All padding used in the seat deck, outside arms and outside backs is made of 100% recycled polyester. Polyester fiber used on the inside and inside backs is made of 80% recycled material.

All Precedent metal parts, including springs, spring clips, and staples are produced from a minimum of 95% recycled shell. These parts are painted with paint that do not include lead.

100% of our packaging and shipping materials are recyclable.

Glue used in our frame parts is water-based and uses no formaldehyde.


Being American made offers many benefits to the environment. We obtain almost all of our resources from within a 150 mile radius of our plant and produce all our upholstered furniture right in North Carolina, leaving a smaller carbon footprint than companies that ship in supplies and product from over seas.

Rest assured knowing that at Precedent, we are doing our part to protect the environment and follow sustainable practices. In the words of Kermit the Frog, "It ain't easy being green," but it's worth it!

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